Reconciling ancient Islamic economics with modern Islamic economics
Presenting economic solutions in the light of Shariah
Presenting the message of Islamic economics on contemporary issues
Islam is an ongoing a complete code of life. Which is able to solve all issues in all ages. It has contemporary sustainable solutions to the ongoing economy and finance. However, it is a difficult task to understand the conventional economy and coordinate it with Shariah and find a solution. For this need expert Alimin Fiqhul Muamalat. With the dream of creating qualified rizar/manpower to meet the need of the hour, a special religious faculty and madrasa on Fiqhul Muamalat named ‘Markaju Dirasatil Iqtisadil Islami’ has started its journey under the supervision of IFA Consultancy on the advice of Gurdian Alims. The 2-year academic programis divided into a total of 6 terms/semesters. In this, the students are taught various subjects including fiqh, fiqhul mualaat, Ayofir Shariah standard, Kitabul Buyu, financial contracts, basic English, accounting, corporate finance, management, research methods and research paper preparation. May Allah Ta’ala accept this dreamof building Rizal/manpower in fiqh and fiqhul muamalat.
Direct teaching by internationally recognized masters in Islamic economics.
A review and research In the light of Islamic economics in recent issues of economics.
Making fit to get Higher Certificate in Islamic Finance 'CSAA' by AAOIFI (Bahrain).
Direct supervision of IFAC and teaching by Standard Syllabus on Fiqhul Muamalat.
Muhazara and lectures by experts on various subjects.
English, computer, and accounting teach by experts.
Opportunity to interact with industry experts and internship at IFAC.
Facilitation of field level analysis in various financial institutions.
Standard research papers are prepared to be published in international journals.
Shaikhul Hadith
Jamiatul Ulumil Islamia Daaka
Senior Deputy Mufti, Jamiah Shariah Malibagh Dhaka.
Founder Director, IFA Consultancy Ltd.
Founder Director, Adl Advisory, Malaysia Co-Founder IFA Consultancy Ltd.
Founder, Capital Elevator
Vice Principle
Teacher, Mufti